Saturday, January 12, 2008

NTFS for Mac® OS X

NTFS for Mac(R) OS X allows you to:

Natively read and write your data to any Windows NTFS partition.
Easily transfer data between Windows and Mac(R) computers using external
or thumb drives with NTFS partitions.
Paragon NTFS for Mac(R) OS X beats down the barriers between Windows and
Mac(R) OS!
Effectively solves the communication problems between the Mac(R) system
and NTFS. Providing full read&write access to Windows NTFS partitions
under Mac(R) OS X.
Excellent solution for end users, SOHO and the Enterprise.

Access NTFS partitions without having any complex translation
applications or file services like AFP or Samba protocols.

"...using it for a few minutes but seems to work just as it should.
being able to write files to NTFS partition is a big improvement as it
eliminates a lot of problems I experienced using FAT 32 system on my
external hdd's like most annoying problem of not being able to work
with files larger than 4GB or when using NTFS partition - not being
able to write to it in Os X".

NTFS for Mac(R) OS X BetaTester,

Features & Benefits
Full read/write access to NTFS volumes NTFS for Mac(R) OS X provides
full access (read/write, format) to NTFS partitions.
All NTFS versions support Supports all NTFS versions - from Windows NT
3.1 to Windows Vista (NTFS versions 1.2, 3.0 and 3.1).
Exceptional ease of use Mount the NTFS partitions as native ones -
just install the driver and use your NTFS partitions as you wish.
High performance Get high performance and minimal system overhead.
Stability The driver provides transparent access to NTFS partitions as
Mac(R) OS X-native, thus achieving an unprecedented high level of

Purchase or Download Trial From Here:

Rahul Mehta

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